1 week travel insurance for Iraq from £55, 2 weeks cover from £110
High risk travel insurance for Iraq for journalists, media, humanitarian, aid, disaster and relief workers, conservationists, researchers, voluntary workers, missionaries, religious workers and charitable programmes.
“Travel Insurance that covers you where others fear to tread”
Travel Insurance for Iraq
Why Choose Us?
With the rapid rise and spread of terrorist activity over recent years, civil unrest, quickly evolving conflicts along with fragile political and environmental situations worldwide – even the most experienced travellers can quickly find themselves in challenging situations that can expose themselves to dangerous circumstances and unexpected accidents, illnesses and medical emergencies.
Our policies has been designed in close consultation between leading international travel and medical insurance experts and professionals operating at the frontline in the field of worldwide travel risk management, safety and personal security in fragile environments.
Flexibility, Choice and Strength of Security
We have designed our policies to offer you the flexibility and choice of covers you need when traveling abroad, all backed by the financial security and strength of proven service that underpins the product when you may need it most.
24/7 Emergency Medical Assistance Helpline
Emergency Air Ambulance and Medical Evacuation Services
One-Tap Emergency App & Pre-Travel Country Profile Information
Single Trip Policies for Trips from 1 day up to 365* days duration
Annual Multi Trip Policies, unlimited trips of up to 31 days each and includes 17 days Winter Sports
Choice of up to 4 Territorial Zones of Cover including war, crisis and disaster relief zones
Available in £GBP, $US Dollars and €Euros with claims settled in your chosen currency
Available to purchase before or after departure
Discounts for Groups of 5+ Members purchasing together
Choice of 2 Levels of Medical+ Cover with up to £/$/€1,000,000
Wide Range of Optional Additional Benefits including:
- Enhanced and Increased Personal Accident Cover
- Non-Medical Benefits including Baggage Cover
- Cancellation, Trip Interruption and Disruption Cover
Discount for having taken recognised risk management, travel safety and personal security advice before departure
*Maximum trip duration to the USA is 89 days. Maximum duration for leisure trips is 31 days.
Coverage specially designed and included for:
Dangerous, remote and challenging locations worldwide including war zones, crisis and disaster relief zones including areas where your government, Foreign Office or similar government body advise against travel.
Individuals and groups on business and work trips including journalism, media, humanitarian, aid, disaster and relief work, conservation, research, voluntary, missionary, religious work and charitable programmes including teaching, study and educational travel and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO).
Acts of War and/or terrorism and/or civil unrest on a business or work trip.
Persons that are embedded with military, governmental or NGO personnel or travelling in their vehicles or aircraft. (Bullet proof jackets, helmets and personal distress beacons are recommended during any embedded period).
Trips of up to 365 days on business or work, and up to 31 days for leisure travel, or incidental leisure travel preceding or attaching to a business trip. No cover for War is provided for Leisure Trips that do not attach to a business or work trip.
Travel advise for Iraq
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to:

Source: Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Anbar province
Ninewah province
Salah-Al-Din province
Diyala province
Tam’mim (Kirkuk) province
in Erbil province, south of Road 80, and within 10km of the border with Ninewah province between Road 80 and Road 2
The FCO advise against all but essential travel to the rest of Iraq, including the remainder of the Kurdistan region.
You should avoid political gatherings and large crowds, and minimise your movement around banks, restaurants and shopping malls. Observe instructions given by the local security authorities.
Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL) and other armed groups control parts of Iraq, particularly in Anbar, Ninewah, Salah-Al-Din and Diyala provinces. The front line between Daesh and Iraqi and Kurdish Security Forces is changeable. There’s an increased risk within 10km of the front line.
Coalition forces, including the UK, continue to carry out targeted airstrikes against Daesh in northern and western Iraq. Areas recently liberated from Daesh are likely to contain remnants of war and improvised explosive devices.
The security situation throughout Iraq remains uncertain, and could deteriorate quickly. You should monitor media reporting and make sure you have robust contingency plans in place.
There is a high threat of terrorism including kidnapping across Iraq.
If you travel to Iraq to fight, and your activities amount to offences against UK terrorism legislation, you could be prosecuted on return to the UK.
Disruption to flights may occur. Contact your airline or travel company for the latest information before travelling.
The government of Iraq has begun to take measures to improve the structural integrity of the Mosul Dam as there is a risk the dam could fail. It is currently impossible to accurately predict if or when this might occur. As there’s likely to be little warning of a failure, it will be logistically impossible for the British Government to evacuate you. Make sure you have contingency plans in place and monitor media reporting and this travel advice.
British Embassy in Baghdad and the British Consulate-General in Erbil are able to offer limited consular assistance only.
Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel.
According to Iraqi law you must get a visa before you travel. You can apply for a visa at Iraqi missions overseas.
Safety and security
Local travel
British government officials serving in Iraq live and work under strict security rules. All British officials live in secure, guarded accommodation and travel with close protection teams at all times. Depending on the threat level, they may be prevented from travelling to certain areas of Iraq.
Hotels and guesthouses used by foreign nationals and the government of Iraq are subject to regular threats. The British embassy does not allow official visitors to stay in a hotel overnight outside the Kurdistan Region, however attendance to meetings in hotels are assessed on case by case basis.
If you travel to areas of Iraq to which the FCO advise against all but essential travel, you should take appropriate security precautions before travelling. Outside of the Kurdistan Region you are strongly advised to employ a private security company, make arrangements for secure accommodation and transport and consider pre-deployment training.
Avoid any demonstrations or large gatherings of people; if you become aware of any nearby violence, leave the area immediately.
As part of Arba’een religious observations, processions and events will take place throughout Iraq, especially in Karbala and Najaf, during November. Religious gatherings have previously been targeted by terrorists.
The government of Iraq has begun to take measures to improve the structural integrity of the Mosul Dam as there is a risk the dam could fail. It’s currently impossible to accurately predict if or when this might occur. A failure could lead to major flooding in the Tigris river valley, from Mosul to Baghdad. As there’s likely to be little warning of a failure, it will be logistically impossible for the British Government to evacuate you. The British Embassy has contingency plans to ensure staff are safe in the event of failure. You should make sure you have contingency plans in place and monitor media reporting and this travel advice.
British nationals in Baghdad should have robust contingency plans in place and continue to monitor media reporting. You should stay in close contact with your private security companies and monitor our travel advice pages. Routes in and out of Baghdad may become blocked and airports closed or inaccessible at little or no notice. You should plan and check your routes in advance of travelling.
Kurdistan Region
In recent months Turkey has conducted a number of airstrikes in the far north of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). On 8 September 2015 Turkish troops crossed the border into the KRI in pursuit of alleged militants and on 29 November 2015 Turkey shelled militants in villages bordering Turkey and Iraq. Take extra care in mountainous areas, particularly near the border with Turkey. Crossing points along the Iraq-Turkey border may also be affected.
The Kurdistan Region is administered by the Kurdistan Regional Government which has considerable autonomy within Iraq.
While the Kurdistan Region has a different security environment to the rest of Iraq, Daesh controls territory nearby. The security situation in the Kurdistan Region could deteriorate quickly.
Following fighting in Ninewah province, large numbers of internally displaced people have travelled to Dohuk province in the Kurdistan Region, joining others already taking refuge there.
Foreign nationals crossing the border from Syria into the KRI have been arrested for immigration offences in recent months. If prosecuted offenders could face a prison sentence of up to 5 years.
There are no country-wide curfews at present, but curfews and vehicle bans can be enforced at short notice, particularly around religious holidays, pilgrimages and key political dates like elections.
Land borders
Border crossing points with countries neighbouring Iraq may close with little or no notice. There are reports that a number of Iraqi border crossings with Syria are now under Daesh control and have been closed. Three Saudi Arabian border guards were killed at the Arar crossing between Iraq and Saudi Arabia on 5 January 2015. Check whether border crossings will be open before travelling through these areas.
Air travel
Baghdad, Erbil, Sulaymaniyah and Basra International Airports are generally considered secure, but Baghdad International Airport has been the target of attacks in the past. You should take care within the terminals. Don’t leave Baghdad or Basra International Airports without taking adequate security precautions.
Iraqi Airways’ permission to operate to/from points in the EU has been suspended. This is because Iraqi Airways has been unable to satisfy the European Aviation Safety Agency that the airline meets the requirements for non-EU airlines operating to/from the EU.
Flight schedules may change without notice. Contact your airline or travel company for the latest information before travelling.
Sea travel
Maritime facilities are under a high risk of attack. Maritime and sailing craft should take great care in the northern Persian Gulf. Vessels transiting the Gulf of Oman, Northern Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and Bab El Mandeb regions may be at increased risk of attack. You should consider any regional tensions that may affect your route.
Road travel
Road travel within Iraq remains highly dangerous and there continue to be fatal roadside bombings and attacks on military and civilian vehicles. False vehicle checkpoints have been used to launch attacks. There is also a risk of carjacking and robbery.
Road traffic accidents are frequent and often result in fatalities.
Consular assistance
The British Embassy in Baghdad and the British Consulate-General in Erbil operate a limited consular service by appointment only. It is highly unlikely that the Embassy in Baghdad will be able to intervene in any Iraqi visa-related matters on entry into Iraq, travel to unsecure areas of Baghdad outside the International Zone, or make a visit to a police station in the International Zone within Baghdad or any Iraqi prison (consular staff will, however, try to make contact by telephone).
Advice to business
A number of UK companies visit and operate successfully in Iraq. However, movement is restricted and companies nearly always travel with close protection security teams. Specific guidance for companies seeking to do business in Iraq can be found on the UK Trade & Investment website (UKTI). UKTI are also able to put you in touch with companies operating in Iraq who offer security services.
For UK business visitors on their first few visits to Iraq, the British Embassy in Baghdad can provide accommodation and support services (like meals and laundry) on the secure Embassy compound in the International Zone. In addition, the Embassy’s mobile security teams can provide secure transportation to and from the airport, and to any meetings where an Embassy officer is accompanying.
There is currently a very high threat from terrorism in Iraq. Extremist groups like Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL) are responsible for the majority of attacks. Following Parliament’s support on 26 September 2014 for UK airstrikes against Daesh in Iraq, there is a heightened threat of attacks against western interests in Iraq.
Attacks are more frequent in areas where Daesh has a strong presence and capability, such as Anbar, Baghdad, Ninewah, Salah-Al-Din, Diyala and Tam’mim (Kirkuk) provinces, but can and do occur throughout the entire country.
Terrorist attacks are common in Baghdad city, where Daesh frequently targets the Iraqi government, security forces and Shia civilians. Attacks have also occurred in the Kurdistan Region with a small number in Erbil and its surrounds in 2015.
Targets for terrorist attacks have included: residential compounds, military establishments, oil facilities, public transport, commercial venues, including markets and stores, maritime facilities, land border crossings, government buildings, hotels, restaurants, large crowds, police stations, party political offices/events, sports venues/stadiums and religious sites/ceremonies.
Methods of attack have included shootings, large-scale co-ordinated bombings designed to cause mass casualties, suicide bombs, vehicle bombs, rockets and mortars.
Foreign nationals, including those of non-western appearance, are high value targets for terrorists, insurgents and criminals. Indiscriminate attacks against public places and Iraqi civilians also occur.
There is considered to be a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals, from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. You should be vigilant at this time.
There is a high threat of kidnapping in Iraq from both Daesh and other terrorist and militant groups. Kidnappings can be for purely ideological reasons as well as financial or political gain, and can be motivated by criminality or terrorism. British nationals have previously been targeted. Individuals have been kidnapped from homes, workplaces and while travelling. Some hostages have died.
You should regularly reassess your security arrangements and consider carefully any travel around the country, especially when moving outside the International Zone in Baghdad. Close security protection is important but doesn’t remove the threat; a number of previous kidnap victims had security arrangements in place.
During a major Daesh offensive which began in June 2014, there was an increase in reported kidnappings by Daesh. The threat of kidnap is highest in areas where Daesh have a strong presence, but they are not the only group who may seek to take hostages. Western nationals who come into contact with Daesh are likely to be seized and held as hostages.
The US Embassy in Baghdad has issued emergency messages indicating that militant groups may be planning kidnap operations against their nationals. This applies equally to British nationals throughout Iraq, including oil company employees working in Basra province. The groups may be focused on hotels in the Basra area. Other vulnerable workers may include explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) operators, or NGO’s in other provinces such as Anbar. International and local journalists have previously been detained in Iraq due to allegations of inadequate paperwork. Journalists should exercise extreme caution and take adequate security measures.
Daesh and other terrorist groups view those engaged in humanitarian aid work or journalism as legitimate targets. If you’re kidnapped, the reason for your presence is unlikely to serve as a protection or secure your safe release.
The long-standing policy of the British government is not to make substantive concessions to hostage takers. The British government considers that paying ransoms and releasing prisoners increases the risk of further hostage taking.