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How do I find the details on how to make a claim?


For medical emergencies, please call our specialist multi-lingual emergency services for immediate help. Emergency contact numbers are shown on your policy certificate that was emailed you and the claims process is specific to your Insurer.

See below for example purposes only where the information is on your policy certificate 

Claim Numbers


You can also find them at the top of your secure encrypted page:

How to claim


How to claim

When you contact them tell them that you are insured with 'Online Travel Insurance Services Ltd' and give them the following information:

  • • Your policy certificate number
  • • your name
  • • your address
  • • your phone number abroad
  • • the name and phone number of the hospital and the relevant doctor


For other claims, call the number shown on your for a claim form as soon as you return from your trip.


Example of the claims procedure in a policy wording:

How to claim


Once completed send your claim form back to the assistance company within 28 days of your trip ending, along with any travel tickets and your ski insurance certificate. If you have received medical attention for an injury or sickness, you will need to send a medical certificate showing the nature of the problem, and any bills that you should have paid.


Note: If you have had your personal belongings stolen or you have had them lost or misplaced by an airline then please pay particular attention to the policy wording which details what documentation is required to support your claims. Claims maybe rejected if you cannot provide supporting documentary evidence.


In all cases refer to the policy wording, the IPID or your policy certificate on how to make a claim. The information above is not the claims procedure and is an illustrative guide only.


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